

The sacred laws of the Âryas as taught in the schools of Âpastamba, Gautama, Vâsishtha and Baudhâyana / translated by Georg Bühler
(The sacred books of the East / translated by various oriental scholars ; and edited by F. Max Müller ; vol. 2)

資料タイプ 図書
American ed
出版情報 New York : Christian Literature Co. , 1898
本文言語 英語
大きさ lxii, 314, ix, 360 p. ; 23 cm


教育図:19階書庫2 294.08||1 800552381


内容注記 Pt. 1. Âpastamba : aphorisms on the sacred law of the Hindus
Gautama : instutites of the sacred law
Pt. 2. Vasishtha
一般注記 Pt. 1: 2nd ed., revised
Includes index
著者標目  Bühler, Georg, 1837-1898
書誌ID BB00057312
NCID BA3087269X