


資料タイプ 図書
出版情報 Tokyo : United Nations University
本文言語 und


1 848 . UNU studies on critical environmental regions Regions at risk : comparisons of threatened environments / edited by Jeanne X. Kasperson, Roger E. Kasperson, and B.L. Turner II Tokyo : United Nations University Press , c1995
2 893 In place of the forest : environmental and socio-economic transformation in Borneo and the eastern Malay Peninsula / Harold Brookfield, Lesley Potter, and Yvonne Byron Tokyo : United Nations University Press , c1995
3 907 Emerging world cities in Pacific Asia / edited by Fu-chen Lo and Yue-man Yeung ; produced in association with the Chinese University of Hong Kong Tokyo : United Nations University Press , c1996
4 908 Ethnicity and power in the contemporary world / edited by Kumar Rupesinghe and Valery A. Tishkov Tokyo : United Nations University Press , c1996
5 918 Sustaining the future : economic. social, and environmental change in Sub-Saharan Africa / edited by George Benneh, William B. Morgan, and Juha I. Uitto Tokyo : United Nations University Press , c1996
6 923 Volunteers against conflict / United Nations volunteers ; in collaboration with the Humanitarianism and War Project of the Thomas J. Watson Jr. Institute for International Studies, Brown University Tokyo : United Nations University Press , c1996
7 924 Nepal : a Himalayan kingdom in transition / Pradyumna P. Karan, Hiroshi Ishii ; with the collaboration of: Yuki Ito ... [et al.] Tokyo : United Nations University Press , c1996
8 935 The mega-city in Latin America / edited by Alan Gilbert Tokyo : United Nations University Press , c1996
9 944 The new globalism and developing countries / edited by John H. Dunning and Khalil A. Hamdani Tokyo : United Nations University Press , c1997
10 956 Population, land management, and environmental change : UNU Global Environmental Forum IV / edited by Juha I. Uitto and Akiko Ono Tokyo : The United Nations University , c1996


著者標目  United Nations University. Press
書誌ID BB00518745
NCID BA26058382