

Computer science monographs : a publication of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics

資料タイプ 図書
出版情報 Tokyo, Japan : Institute of Statistical Mathematics
本文言語 英語


1 no. 19 . Figures of probability density functions in statistics ; 1 Continuous univariate case / by Katuomi Hirano ... [et al.] [Tokyo] : Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tsuda College , [1983]
2 no. 20. Figures of probability density functions in statistics ; 2 Discrete univariate case / Katuomi Hirano ... [et al.] Tokyo, Japan : Institute of Statistical Mathematics , [1984]
3 No. 21 Fortran programmes in the education of statistics / by Sadako Chino Tokyo : Institute of Statistical Mathematics , 1985
4 no. 22-23 TIMSAC-84 / Hirotugu Akaike ... [et al.] pt. 1,pt. 2. - [Tokyo] : Institute of Statistical Mathematics , [1985]
5 no. 24 BNDE, FORTRAN, subroutines for computing Bayesian nonparametric univariate and bivariate density estimator / by Kunio Tanabe, Masahiko Sagae, Sumie Ueda Tokyo : Institute of Statistical Mathematics , 1988
6 no. 25 DALL : Davidonʾs algorithm for log likelihood maximization : a FORTRAN subroutine for statistical model builders / by Makio Ishiguro, Hirotugu Akaike Tokyo, Japan : Institute of Statistical Mathematics , 1989
7 no. 26 Program on the conditional maximum likelihood estimate of the common odds ratio and the AIC in the analysis of K 2x2 tables / by Hirofumi Takagi Tokyo, Japan : Institute of Statistical Mathematics , [1991]


著者標目  統計数理研究所 <トウケイ スウリ ケンキュウジョ>
書誌ID BB00103229
NCID BA1020302X