North-Holland series in applied mathematics and mechanics
資料タイプ | 図書 |
出版情報 | Amsterdam ; Tokyo : North-Holland 製作表示:New York : Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier North-Holland |
本文言語 | und |
1 | v. 10 Probability theory / by A. Rényi ; [English translation by László Vekerdi] Amsterdam : North-Holland. - New York : Sole distributor for the U.S.A. and Canada, American Elsevier , 1970 |
別書名 | 副標題紙タイトル:Applied mathematics and mechanics |
著者標目 | Achenbach, J. D. |
書誌ID | BB00518579 |
ISBN | 0720423503 |
NCID | BA00227746 |