1 |
Homegrown lessons : innovative programs linking school and work / Edward Pauly, Hilary Kopp, Joshua Haimson
1st ed. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass Publishers , c1995
2 |
Charter schools : creating hope and opportunity for American education / Joe Nathan
1st ed. - San Francisco, Ca. : Jossey-Bass , 1996
3 |
The public purpose of education and schooling / John I. Goodlad, Timothy J. McMannon, editors
1st ed. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , c1997
4 |
Inventing better schools : an action plan for educational reform / Phillip C. Schlechty
: cloth,: paper. - 1st ed. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , 1997
5 |
Partners in education : how colleges can work with schools to improve teaching and learning / Theodore L. Gross
San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , 1988
6 |
Financing schools for high performance : strategies for improving the use of educational resources / Allan Odden and Carolyn Busch
1st ed. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass Publishers , c1998
7 |
Why schools matter : a cross-national comparison of curriculum and learning / William H. Schmidt ... [et al.]
San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , c2001
8 |
Effective and responsible teaching : the new synthesis / Fritz K. Oser, Andreas Dick, Jean-Luc Patry, editors
1st ed. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass Publishers , c1992
9 |
Improving schools from within : teachers, parents, and principals can make the difference / Roland S. Barth ; with the editorial assistance of Linda Sand Guest ; foreword by Theodore R. Sizer
: alk. paper,paperback. - 1st ed.. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , 1990
10 |
Restructuring schools : the next generation of educational reform / Richard F. Elmore and associates
1st ed. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , 1990
11 |
Renewing America's schools : a guide for school-based action / Carl D. Glickman
San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , c1993
12 |
Helping transfer students : strategies for educational and social readjustment / Leonard A. Jason ... [et al.]
acid-free paper. - 1st ed. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , c1992
13 |
Technology and education reform : the reality behind the promise / Barbara Means, editor
1st ed. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , c1994
14 |
Designing interventions for preschool learning and behavior problems / David W. Barnett and Karen T. Carey
1st ed. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , c1992
15 |
Effective school boards : strategies for improving board performance / Eugene R. Smoley, Jr
San Francisco : Jossey-Bass Publishers , c1999
16 |
Career academies : partnerships for reconstructing American high schools / David Stern, Marilyn Raby, Charles Dayton
alk. paper. - 1st ed. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , c1992
17 |
School-based enterprise : productive learning in American high schools / David Stern ... [et al.]
1st ed. - San Francisco, Calif. : Jossey-Bass Publishers , c1994
18 |
Schools for the twenty-first century : leadership imperatives for educational reform / Phillip C. Schlechty ; foreword by Bill Clinton
: pbk. - 1st ed. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass Publishers , 1990
19 |
Education and work for the year 2000 : choices we face / Arthur G. Wirth ; foreword by Henry M. Levin
1st ed. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , c1992
20 |
Teachers for our nation's schools / John I. Goodlad
: alk. paper,: pbk. - 1st ed. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , 1990
21 |
All children can learn : lessons from the Kentucky reform experience / Roger S. Pankratz, Joseph M. Petrosko, editors
San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , c2000
22 |
Finders and keepers : helping new teachers survive and thrive in our schools / Susan Moore Johnson and the Project on the Next Generation of Teachers
San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , c2004
23 |
Rethinking school finance : an agenda for the 1990s / Allan R. Odden, editor
1st ed. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , c1992
24 |
Designing coherent education policy : improving the system / Susan H. Fuhrman, editor
1st ed. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , c1993
25 |
Decentralization and school improvement : can we fulfill the promise? / Jane Hannaway, Martin Carnoy, editors
1st ed. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , c1993
26 |
Turnaround leadership / Michael Fullan
San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, a Wiley Imprint , c2006
27 |
School-community connections : exploring issues for research and practice / Leo C. Rigsby, Maynard C. Reynolds, and Margaret C. Wang, editors
1st ed. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass Publishers , c1995
28 |
Preparing teachers for a changing world : what teachers should learn and be able to do / edited by Linda Darling-Hammond and John Bransford in collaboration with Pamela LePage, Karen Hammerness, and Helen Duffy
: pbk. - 1st ed. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , c2005
29 |
Assessing student performance : exploring the purpose and limits of testing / Grant P. Wiggins
: pbk. - 1st ed. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass Publishers , c1993
30 |
The power of portfolios : what children can teach us about learning and assessment / Elizabeth A. Hebert
San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , c2001