

The world's great classics

資料タイプ 図書
Revised ed
出版情報 New York : Colonial Press
本文言語 und


Index 教育図:19階書庫2 080||1||61 700015467


1 Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero / translated by Charles Duke Yonge ; with a special introduction by Charles Hermann Ohly Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial Press , c1900
2 . Oriental literature ; v. 1 The literature of Persia / with a pecial introduction by Richard J.H. Gotheil pt. 1. - Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial Press , c1900
3 A short history of the English people, v. 3 / John Richard Green ; with a special introduction by Albert S. Cook . History of civilization in Europe / François Pierre Guillaume Guizot ; translated by William Hazitt ; with a special introduction by Paul van Dyke Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial , c1900
4 Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries : from the latter part of the foreign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry V / by John Froissart ; translated from the French by Thomas Johnes v. 1. - Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial Press , c1901
5 Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries : from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV, v. 2 / by Sir John Froissart ; translated from the French by Thomas Johnes . History of Charles XII / by Voltaire ; translated from the French by Tobias Smollett ; with a special introduction by Justin McCarthy Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial , c1901]
6 The Nibelungenlied / translated by William Nanson Lettsom ; with a special introduction by William H. Carpenter Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial Press , c1901
7 Jerusalem delivered / by Torquato Tasso ; translated by Edward Fairfax ; edited by Henry Morley Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial Press , c1901
8 Classic memoirs / by Philippe de Commines ... [et al.] ; with a special introduction by George Saintbury Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial Press , c1901
9 Classic memoirs / Earl of Clarendon ... [et al.] Rev. ed. - New York : Colinial , [c1901]
10 Sacred books of the east : including selections from The Vedic hymns, Zend-Avesta, Dhammapada, Upanishads, The Koran, and The life of Buddha / with critical and biographical sketches by Epiphanius Wilson Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial Press , c1900
11 Essays of French, German and Italian essayists : including biographical and critical sketches / with a special introduction by Chauncey C. Starkweather Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial Press , c1900
12 The republic of Plato : an ideal commonwealth / translated by Benjamin Jowett ; with a special introduction by William Cranston Lawton Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial Press , c1901
13 Dialogues of Plato : containing The apology of Socrates, Crito, Phaedo, and Protagoras / with introductions by the translator, Benjamin Jowett ; anda special introduction by Maurice Francis Egan . The politics of Aristotle / translated by Benjamin Jowett ; with a preface by the translator, and a special introduction by Maurice Grancis Egan Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial , c1900
14 Moorish literature : comprising romantic ballads, tales of the Berbers, stories of the Kabylie, folk-lore and national traditions . Malayan literature : comprising romantic tales, epic poetry and royal chronicles Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial , c1901
15 Plays / by Greek, Spanish, French, German and English dramatists ; with a special introduction by Albert Ellery Bergh v. 1,v. 2. - Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial Press , c1900
16 History of Europe during the middle ages / by Henry Hallam ; with a special introduction by Arthur Richmond Marsh v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial Press , c1900
17 Advancement of learning : and Novum organum / by Francis Bacon (Lord Verulam) ; with a special introduction by James Edward [i.e. Edwin] Creighton Rev. ed. - London ; New York : Colonial Press , c1900
18 The Federalist / a collection of essays by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison, interpreting the Constitution of the United States as agreed upon by the Federal convention, September 17, 1787 ; with a special introduction by Godwin Smith ... [et al.] Rev. ed. - New York : The Colonial press , c1901
19 Orations of Demosthenes : pronounced to excite the Athenians against Philip, King of Macedon, and occasions of public deliberation / with introductions by the translator, Thomas Leland ; and a special introduction by Epiphanius Wilson Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial , c1900
20 Babylonian and Assyrian literature : comprising the epic of izdubar, hymns, tablets, and cuneiform inscriptions / with a special introduction by Epiphanius Wilson . Armenian literature : comprising poetry, drama, folk-lore and classic traditions / with a special introduction by Robert Arnot Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial , c1901
21 The divine comedy of Dante Alighieri ; translated by Henry Francis Cary ; with introduction and explanatory notes by the translator Rev. ed. - London : Colonial Press , c1901
22 Classic memoirs / by Charles V ... [et al.] ; with a special introduction by Robert Arnot . Annals, or, Day and year papers / by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ; with a preface by the translator, Charles Nisbet Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial Press , c1901
23 The philosophy of history / by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel ; with prefaces by Charles Hegel and the translator, J. Sibree Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial Press , c1900
24 Decisive battles of the world / by Edward Shepherd Creasy ; with a special introduction, and supplementary chapters on the Battles of Gettysburg, Sedan, Santiago and Manila by John Gilmer Speed Rev. ed. - New york : Colonial Press , c1900
25 . Oriental literature ; v. 2 The literature of Persia ; pt. 2 / with a special introduction by Richard J.H. Gottheil . The literature of Japan / with critical and biographical sketches by Epiphanius Wilson Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial Press , c1900
26 History of Florence : from the earliest times to the death of Lorenzo the Magnificent / by Niccolo Machiavelli ; with a special introduction by Charles W. Colby Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial Press , c1901
27 A short history of the English people / by John Richard Green ; with a special introduction by Albert S. Cook v. 1,v. 2. - Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial , c1899
28 Critique of pure reason / by Immanuel Kant ; with an introduction by the translator, J.M.D. Meiklejohn Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial Press , c1900
29 Orations of American orators : including biographical and critical sketches / with a special introduction by Julian Hawthorne v. 1,v. 2. - Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial Press , c1900
30 Orations of British orators : including biographical and critical sketches / with a special introduction by Julian Hawthorne v. 1,v. 2. - Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial Press , c1900
31 Essays of British essayists : including biographical and critical sketches / with a special introduction by Chauncey C. Starkweather v. 1,v. 2. - Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial Press , c1900
32 Oriental literature ; v. 3 The literature of India / with critical and biographical sketches by Epiphanius Wilson Rev. ed.. - New York : Colonial Press , 1900
33 History of the Popes : their church and state / by Leopold von Ranke ; translated by E. Fowler ; wiwth a special introduction by William Clark v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial Press , c1901
34 The French Revolution : a history / by Thomas Carlyle ; with a special introduction by Julian Hawthorne v. 1,v. 2. - Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial Press , c1900
35 History of English literature / by Hippolyte Adolphe Taine ; translated from the French by Henry van Laun ; with a special introduction by J. Scott Clark v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - Rev. ed.. - New York : Colonial Press , c1900
36 Principles of political economy : with some of their applications to social philosophy / by John Stuart Mill ; with a special introduction by Arthur T. Hadley v. 1,v. 2. - Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial , c1900
37 Oriental literature ; v. 4 The literature of China / with critical and biographical sketches by Epiphanius Wilson. The literature of Arabia / with critical and biographical sketches by Ephiphanius Wilson Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial Press , c1900
38 Essays of American essayists : including biographical and critical sketches / with a special introduction by Chauncey C. Starkweather Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial Press , c1900
39 Ideal commonwealths : comprising, More's Utopia, Bacon's New Atlantis, Campanella's City of the Sun, and Harrington's Oceana / with introductions by Henry Morley Rev. ed. - New York ; London : Colonial Press , 1901
40 Democracy in America / by Alexis de Tocqueville ; translated by Henry Reeve ; with special introduction by John T. Morgan and John J. Ingalls v. 1,v. 2. - Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial , c1900
41 Ancient history : from the earliest times to the fall of the Western Empire : comprising the history of Chaldæa, Assyria, Media, Babylonia, Lydia, Phœnicia, Syria, Judæa, Egypt, Carthage, Persia, Greece, Macedonia, Parthia, and Rome / by George Rawlinson rev. ed., with a special introduction by William F. McDowell. - New York : Colonial Press , c1900
42 v. [38] Egyptian literature : comprising Egyptian tales, hymns, litanies, invocations, the Book of the dead, and cuneiform writings / with a special introduction by Epiphanius Wilson Rev. ed. - New York : Colonial Press , c1901


一般注記 Index: Index to The world's great classics / with special introduction by Albert Ellery Bergh -- New York : Colonial Press , 1902 -- xxvi, 500 p. : 24 cm
著者標目 Bergh, Albert Ellery
書誌ID BB00104526
NCID BA11886438