

The Jossey-Bass behavioral science series

資料タイプ 図書
出版情報 San Francisco : Jossey-Bass
本文言語 und


1 A new learning environment / [by] Harold L. Cohen [and] James Filipczak ; forewords by R. Buckminster Fuller [and] B.F. Skinner [1st ed.]. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , 1971
2 The silent dialogue : a study in the social psychology of professional socialization / [by] Virginia L. Olesen and Elvi W. Whittaker [1st ed.]. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , 1968
3 Ego development : conceptions and theories / Jane Loevinger, with the assistance of Augusto Blasi San Francisco : Jossey-Bass Publishers , 1976
4 Personality : measurement of dimensions / by Paul Horst San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , 1968
5 Beliefs, attitudes, and values : a theory of organization and change / by Milton Rokeach 1st ed. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , 1968
6 Tests and measurements in child development : a handbook / [by] Orval G. Johnson [and] James W. Bommarito [1st ed.]. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , 1971
7 The Development of adaptive intelligence : a cross-cultural study / by Carol Fleisher Feldman ... [et al.] San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , 1974
8 Misunderstandings of the self / Victor Raimy 1st ed. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass Publishers , 1975
9 Child rearing : an inquiry into research and methods / [by] Marian Radke Yarrow, John D. Campbell and Roger V. Burton [1st ed.]. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , 1968
10 Socioemotional measures for preschool and kindergarten children : [a handbook] / Deborath Klein Walker [1st ed.]. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , 1973
11 The social world of the child / William Damon 1st ed. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass Publishers , 1977
12 Social adjustment of young children : a cognitive approach to solving real-life problems / George Spivack, Myrna B. Shure San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , 1976, c1974
13 The illusion of equality : [the effect of education on opportunity, inequality, and social conflict] / Murray Milner, Jr 1st ed.. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , 1972
14 Sociological methodology / American Sociological Association 1969 - v. 18. 1988. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , 1969-
15 Contracting for knowledge / Harold Orlans 1st ed. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , 1973
16 Evaluation and the exercise of authority / Sanford M. Dornbusch, W. Richard Scott ; with the assistance of Bruce C. Busching and James D. Laing 1st ed. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass Publishers , 1975
17 Humanizing social psychology / M. Brewster Smith 1st ed. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , 1974
18 Youth in two worlds / [by] Denise B. Kandel [and] Gerald S. Lesser ; foreword by James S. Coleman [1st ed.]. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , 1972


別書名 その他のタイトル:Jossey-Bass behavioral science series
書誌ID BB00102568
NCID BA00489516