

Garland reference library of social science

資料タイプ 図書
出版情報 New York : Garland : Falmer Press
本文言語 und


1 v. 33 An international list of articles on the history of education published in non-educational serials, 1965-1974 / Joseph M. McCarthy New York : Garland Pub. , 1977
2 v. 70 Nationalism in East Asia : an annotated bibliography of selected works / edited by F. Gilbert Chan New York : Garland Pub. , 1981
3 v. 331 School play : a source book / [edited by] James H. Block, Nancy R. King New York ; London : Garland Pub. , 1987
4 vol. 473 Rural education : issues and practice / edited by Alan J. DeYoung New York : Garland Pub. , 1991
5 v. 503 Encyclopedia of library history / edited by Wayne A. Wiegand and Donald G. Davis, Jr New York ; London : Garland Pub. , 1994
6 v. 506 International higher education : an encyclopedia / edited by Philip G. Altbach v. 1,v. 2. - New York : Garland Pub. , 1991
7 v. 529 . Reference books in international education ; vol. 21 Early childhood education in Asia and the Pacific : a source book / edited by Stephanie Feeney ; editorial assistance by Frada Naroll New York : Garland Pub. , 1992
8 v. 618 Minority status and schooling : a comparative study of immigrant and involuntary minorities / [edited by] Margaret Gibson, John U. Ogbu : pbk. - New York : Garland , 1991
9 v. 674 Cooperative learning : a guide to research / Samuel Totten ... [et al.] alk. paper. - New York : Garland , 1991
10 v. 788 . Source books on education ; vol. 40 Secondary schools and cooperative learning : theories, models, and strategies / edited by Jon E. Pedersen, Annette D. Digby New York : Garland Pub. , 1995
11 v. 822 The life and death of a rural American high school : farewell, Little Kanawha / Alan J. DeYoung New York : Garland Pub. , 1995
12 v. 827 Project Head Start : models and strategies for the twenty-first century / Valora Washington and Ura Jean Oyemade Bailey acid-free paper,: pbk. : acid-free paper. - New York : Garland Pub. , 1995
13 v. 866 Educating young adolescents : life in the middle / edited by Michael J. Wavering New York ; London : Garland , 1995
14 v. 919. Garland studies in higher education ; vol. 1 The Funding of higher education : international perspectives / edited by Philip G. Altbach, D. Bruce Johnstone New York : Garland Pub. , 1993
15 v. 929 . Critical education practice ; vol. 1 Curriculum development in the postmodern era / Patrick Slattery : pbk. - New York : Garland Pub. , 1995
16 v. 951 . Critical education practice ; v. 6 Anatomy of a collaboration : study of a college of education/public school partnership / Judith J. Slater New York : Garland Pub. , 1996
17 v. 963 . Garland studies in higher education ; v. 3 Higher education in crisis : New York in national perspective / edited by William C. Barba New York : Garland Publishing , 1995
18 v. 988 . Garland studies in higher education ; v. 7 The social role of higher education : comparative perspectives / edited by Ken Kempner, William G. Tierney New York : Garland Pub. , 1996
19 v. 996 . Reference books in international education ; v. 48 Teacher education in the Asia-Pacific region : a comparative study / edited by Paul Morris, John Williamson New York : Falmer Press , 2000
20 v. 1007 Child maltreatment and optimal caregiving in social contexts / Diana Baumrind New York : Garland Pub. , 1995
21 v. 1048 Black mayors and school politics : the failure of reform in Detroit, Gary, and Newark / Wilbur C. Rich :,: pbk. - New York : Garland , 1996
22 v. 1131 . Garland studies in higher education ; v. 10 Higher education research at the turn of the new century : structures, issues, and trends / edited by Jan Sadlak and Philip Altbach fr,us. - Paris : UNESCO Pub. , c1997. - New York : Garland Pub.
23 v. 1138 Does government need to be involved in primary and secondary education : evaluating policy options using market role assessment / Michael T. Peddle New York : Garland Pub. , 2000
24 v. 1152 Education, cultures, and economics : dilemmas for development / edited by Fiona E. Leach, Angela W. Little New York : Falmer Press , 1999
25 v. 1163 . Pedagogy and popular culture ; v. 2 Popular culture and critical pedagogy : reading, constructing, connecting / edited by Toby Daspit and John A. Weaver New York : Garland Pub. , 1999
26 v. 1190 Politics of educational innovations in developing countries : an analysis of knowledge and power / edited by Nelly P. Stromquist and Michael L. Basile New York : Falmer Press , 1999
27 v. 1415 Distant alliances : promoting education for girls and women in Latin America / edited by Regina Cortina and Nellly P. Stromquist New York ; London : RoutledgeFalmer , 2000


別書名 その他のタイトル:Garland reference library of the social sciences
その他のタイトル:Garland reference library of social sciences
その他のタイトル:Routledge reference library of social science
一般注記 Publisher varies: Routledge
書誌ID BB00102411
NCID BA00208661