

Leaders of the Meiji Restoration in America : edited originally under the title "The Japanese in America" / by Charles Lanman ; re-edited by Y. Okamura

資料タイプ 図書
出版情報 Tokyo : Hokuseido , c1931
本文言語 英語
大きさ xiv, 388 p., [4] leaves of plates : facsims., ports. ; 20 cm


教育図:19階書庫2 952||26 800517603


別書名 翻訳タイトル:岩倉公一行訪米始末書
一般注記 The title of the book in Japanese written by Kenzo Adachi
Letter to the editor from Iichiro Tokutomi
With biographical and historical notes by H. Kodama
著者標目 *Lanman, Charles, 1819-1895
Okamura, Y.
書誌ID BB00057933
NCID BA09128313