

Educational requirements for the 1970's : an interdisciplinary approach / edited by Stanley Elam and William P. Mclure

資料タイプ 図書
出版情報 New York : Published for Phi Delta Kappa [by] Praeger , [1967]
本文言語 英語
大きさ vii, 266 p. ; 22 cm


教育図:19階書庫2 379||46 032437096

教育図:19階書庫2 379||46a 052406463


一般注記 Papers and discussions of a conference sponsored by Phi Delta Kappa, and recently held at the University of Illinois
著者標目 Elam, Stanley Munson ed
McLure, William Paul, 1910- ed
Phi Delta Kappa
Illinois. University
件 名 LCSH:Education -- Aims and objectives -- Addresses, essays, lectures  全ての件名で検索
LCSH:Education -- 1945- -- Addresses, essays, lectures  全ての件名で検索
分 類 LCC:LA132
書誌ID BB00052442
NCID BA22677575
