

著者の属性 団体
場所 Paris
一般注記 Conference of allied ministers of education, London. Draft proposals for an educational and cultural organisation of the United nations, 1945
Deltion Kypriakēs Epitropēs Ounesko, Apr. 1974: t.p. (Kypriakēs Epitropēs Ounesko; Cyprus Commission for Unesco)
Chiao yü chan wang, Ti 1 chʿi (1984):t.p. (Lien-ho-kuo chiao kʿo wen tsu chih) verso of t.p. (Unesco)
自由と文化 / ユネスコ編 ; [岩村忍, 吉川幸次郎, 桑原武夫訳](日本ユネスコ国内委員会事務局, [1953.3はしがき])
國際理解のための地理教育 / [ユネスコ編] ; 文部省大臣官房渉外ユネスコ課[訳](文部省大臣官房渉外ユネスコ課, [1952.3])
Teaching abroad = Enseignement a l'étranger(Unesco, 1956)
Report of the director general on the activities of the organizations from October 1949 to March 1950 : presented to the Fifth Session of the General Conference May-June 1950(UNESCO, 1950)
人間の權利 / ユネスコ編 ; 平和問題談話会訳(岩波書店, 1951.4)
Appraisal of Unesco's programmes for the Economic and Social Council / Unesco(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1960)
Enseignement supérieur et développement en asie du sud-est : rapport sommaire et conclusions / United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization & International Association of Universities(UNESCO : Association internationale des universités, 1965)
Better history textbooks(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization , 1952)
Admission to universities and higher education isolated institutions / prepared for the International Study of University Admissions, under the sponsorship of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization(International Study of University Admissions, 1962)
Report of the mission to Afghanistan / UNESCO(UNESCO, c1952)
Unesco travelling print exhibition : Leonardo Da Vinci : Exhibition B(Unesco, c1952)
東南アジア諸国の開発と高等教育機関の役割についての研究 : 東南アジアにおける高等教育と開発 : 概要報告書および結論 / ユネスコ, 国際大学協会編 ; 国際大学協会第四回総会東京組織委員会訳(国際大学協会, c.1965, [1965.8跋])
The social sciences(Unesco, 1955)
Summary report of the international conference on adult education : Elsinore, Denmark 19-25 June 1949([UNESCO], 1949)
Access to books(UNESCO, c1952)
The basic programme : adopted by the Fifth Session of the General Conference, Florence, 1950([UNESCO], [1950])
Unesco in 1950 aims and work of the organization([UNESCO], [1950])
UNESCO : five years of work(U.S. National Commission for UNESCO, Department of State, 1951)
The race Question([UNESCO], [1950])
Technical assistance for economic development : a human approach([UNESCO], [1950])
The "S" in UNESCO(Los Angeles City School Districts Curriculum Division , 1950)
Universities in need / Unesco(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1948)
Joint Unesco-Iau research Programme in higher education : Unesco-Iau Joint Steering Committee administrative report 1963(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization : International Association of Universities, 1964)
They can't afford to wait / UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, c1952)
Fundamental Education Meeting of Experts, 26th April to 1st May 1948([UNESCO], [1948])
Sirs-el-Layyan : light and hope for the Arab world
Some suggestions on teaching about collective security / UNESCO(United Nations, Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, c1952)
UNESCO : United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. = Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Educatoin, la Science et la Culture. = Organizacion de las Naciones Unidas para le Educacion, la Ciencia y la Cultura. = Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für Erziehung, Wissenschaft und Kultur.(Place de Fontenoy, [1959])
Proceedings and recomendations : XIth International Conference on Public Education / convened by UNESCO and the I.B.E(International Bureau of Education, [1948])
EDSRC:السياسات التكنولوجية في الاقطار العربية : بحوث و مناقشات الندوة العلمية التي نظمتها اللجنة الاقتصادية لغربي آسيا التابعة للامم المتحدة بالاشتراك مع منظمة الامم المتحدة للتربية و العلوم و الثقافة / [المشاركون] أ.ك. مالهوترا ...[وآخ.] (مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية ) (الأمم المتحدة, اللجنة الاقتصادية لغربي آسيا, 1985)
EDSRC:Rekomendo pri edukado por internaciaj kompreniĝo, kunlaboro kaj paco kaj edukado rilate al homaj rajtoj kaj fundamentaj liberecoj, 1977: cover (Organizo de Unuiĝintaj Nacioj por Edukado, Scienco kaj Kulturo)
EDSRC:Славяне и Восток / отв. редакторы, М. Тихомиров и Б. Гафуров ; в написании брошюры участвовали Л. Васильев ... и др.(ЮНЕСКО, 1965)
生没年等 1945
から見よ参照 I︠U︡nesko
*国際連合教育科学文化機関<コクサイ レンゴウ キョウイク カガク ブンカ キカン>
Educational and Cultural Organization of the United Nations
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
United Nations. Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
Munaẓẓamat al-Umam al-Muttaḥidah lil-Tarbiyah wa-al-ʿUlūm wa-al-Thaqāfah
Lien-ho-kuo chiao yü kʿo hsüeh wen hua tsu chih
Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture
Irgun le-ḥinukh, madaʿ ve-tarbut shelyad ha-Umot ha-meʾuḥadot
Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura
Organizacija ujedinjenih nacija za obrazovanje, nauku i kulturu
Organizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ Obʺedinennykh Nat︠s︡iĭ po voprosam prosveshchenii︠a︡, nauki i kulʹtury
Organizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ Obʺedinennykh Nat︠s︡iĭ po voprosam obrazovanii︠a︡, nauki i kulʹtury
Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры
Organizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ po voprosam prosveshchenii︠a︡, nauki i kulʹtury
Lien-ho-kuo chiao kʿo wen tsu chih
聯合国教育科学文化組織<レンゴウコク キョウイク カガク ブンカ ソシキ>
المنظمة الدولية لليونسكو
al-Munaẓẓamah al-Dawlīyah lil-Yūniskū
منظمة الأمم المتحدة للتربية و العلوم و الثقافة
Organizo de Unuiĝintaj Nacioj por Edukado, Scienco kaj Kulturo
コード類 典拠ID=AU00500198  NCID=DA0040362X
1 国際セクシュアリティ教育ガイダンス : 科学的根拠に基づいたアプローチ / ユネスコ編 ; 浅井春夫, 艮香織, 田代美江子, 福田和子, 渡辺大輔訳 改訂版. - 東京 : 明石書店 , 2020.8
2 The culture of testing : sociocultural impacts on learning in Asia and the Pacific Paris : United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Oraganization. - Bangkok : Unesco Bangkok Office , 2018
3 世界遺産百科 : 全981のユネスコ世界遺産 / ユネスコ, コリンズ・バーソロミュー著 東京 : 柊風舎 , 2014.7
4 Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) on infectious diseases and global environmental issues : 2010 Obihiro Asia and the Pacific Seminar on Education for Rural Development (OASERD) [Obihiro] : Organizing Committee of OASERD Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine , 2010
5 Education for all by 2015 : will we make it? Paris : Unesco , 2007
6 A human rights-based approach to education for All : a framework for the realization of children's right to education and rights within education / UNICEF New York : UNICEF , c2007
7 Strong foundations : early childhood care and education / [The EFA global monitoring report team] Paris : Unesco , 2006
8 Education for all : literacy for life / [director, Nicholas Burnett] Paris : Unesco , 2005
9 Enhancing the quality of science and technology education in Asia and Pacific / National Institute for Educational Policy Research (NIER) Tokyo : National Institute for Educational Policy Research (NIER) , 2003
10 The right to education : towards education for all throughout life Paris : UNESCO , 2000
11 Changing international aid to education : global patterns and national contexts / edited by Kenneth King and Lene Buchert : pbk. - Paris : Unesco Pub./NORRAG , 1999
12 文化遺産保存のための活動 : ユネスコ/日本信託基金による = Preservation of cultural heritage : through the UNESCO/Japan Trust Fund = Préservation du patrimoine culturel : par le Fonds-en-dépôt japonais auprés de l'UNESCO [出版地不明] : ユネスコ(国際連合教育科学文化機関) , 1998.11
13 Desarrollo, paz y cultura en América Latina y el Caribe / SELA, UNESCO pbk.. - 1. ed. - Caracas, Venezuela : Sistema Económico Latinoamericano ( SELA ) : UNESCO : Editorial Nueva Sociedad , 1995
14 A history of UNESCO / Fernando Valderrama Paris : UNESCO , c1995
15 Education, adjustment and reconstruction : options for change : a UNESCO policy discussion paper / Fernando Reimers and Luis Tiburcio Paris : UNESCO Pub. , c1993
16 World science report 1993,1996,1998. - Paris : Unesco , 1993-
17 World education report / [prepared by the UNESCO Secretariat] 1991,1993,1995. - Paris : Unesco , c1991-
18 Comparative education : contemporary issues and trends / edited by W.D. Halls : Jessica Kingsley,: Unesco. - London : Jessica Kingsley. - Paris : Unesco , 1990
19 Innovations in science and technology education / ed. by David Layton v. 1 - v. 8. - Paris : Unesco , 1986-
20 Computer science in vocational teacher education in Denmark / prepared for Unesco by Else Koefoed Copenhagen : Unesco , 1984, c1986
21 Unesco, IBE education thesaurus : a list of terms for indexing and retrieving documents and data in the field of education--with French and Spanish equivalents :pbk. - 4th rev. ed. - Paris, France : Unesco , 1984
22 情報政策の目標 : UNISIST提案 / ユネスコ編 ; 文部省学術国際局情報図書館課〔訳〕 [東京] : 文部省学術国際局情報図書館課 , 1981.3
23 ユネスコ文化統計年鑑 / ユネスコ編 ; ユネスコ・アジア文化センター監訳 1980 - 1999. - 東京 : 原書房 , 1981-
24 Environmental education in the light of the Tbilisi Conference / Unesco Paris : Unesco , 1980
25 Educational reforms : experiences and prospects Paris : Unesco , 1979
26 Terminology, Unesco, IBE education thesaurus : a faceted list of terms for indexing and retrieving documents and data in the field of education with French and Spanish equivalents / prepared by the International Bureau of Education Paris : Unesco , 1978
27 Statistics of students abroad = Statistiques des étudiants à l'étranger : 1969-1973 Paris : Unesco , 1976
28 Lifelong education, schools, and curricula in developing countries : report of an international seminar, Hamburg, 9-13 December 1974, organised by the Unesco Institute for Education in cooperation with the German Foundation for International Development and UNESCO / by H. W. R. Hawes Hamburg : UNESCO Institute for Education , 1975
29 The district of Kaski, Nepal / James McCabe and N.R. Padhye Paris : Unesco , 1975
30 Protection of human rights : in the light of scientific and technological progress in biology and medicine : proceedings of a round table conference organized by CIOMS with the assistance of Unesco and Who : Who headquarters, Geneva, 14, 15, and 16 November 1973 = Protection des droits de l'homme : compte tenu des progres ... / [edited by Simon Btesh] Geneva : distributed by the World Health Organization on behalf of the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences , 1974
31 生物圏資源の利用と保全 / 国際連合教育科学文化機関編 ; 日本化学会訳編 東京 : 丸善 , 1973.9
32 世界の教育政策と行財政 / ユネスコ編 ; 日本ユネスコ国内委員会 [訳] 編 東京 : 帝国地方行政学会 , 1973.3
33 ユネスコ・アジア地域プログラム学習実験計画の概要 / 日本ユネスコ国内委員会事務局 [東京] : 日本ユネスコ国内委員会事務局 , 1973.3
34 Les Études supérieures : présentation comparative des régimes d'enseignement et des diplômes, Unesco Paris : Unesco , 1973
35 ユネスコ関係条約・勧告集 / 日本ユネスコ国内委員会 [訳編] [東京] : 日本ユネスコ国内委員会 , [1973]
36 New trends in mathematics teaching = Tendances nouvelles de l'enseignement des mathématiques / prepared by the International Commission of Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) Vol. 1(1966) - Vol. 4. - Paris : Unesco , 1972-1979
37 Prospects : quarterly review of education Vol. 2, no. 1 (spring 1972)-. - Paris : United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization , 1972-
38 Educational policy, legislation and administration Paris : UNESCO , 1971
39 世界の高等教育 / ユネスコ編 ; 日本ユネスコ国内委員会[訳]編 東京 : 学校教育研究所 , 1969.3
40 The foundations of the modern world / by Louis Gottschalk, Loren C. MacKinney and Earl H. Pritchard pt. 1,pt. 2. - London : Published for the International Commission for a History of the Scientific and Cultural Development of Mankind by Allen & Unwin , 1969
41 Proceedings of the International Round Table on the Relations between Japanese and Western Arts, Sept. 1968 Tokyo & Kyoto Tokyo : Japanese National Commission for Unesco , 1969
42 Prospects in education : a quarterly bulletin No. 1 (1969)-no. 2 (1969) ; V. 1, no. 1 (1970)-v. 1, no. 4 (1970). - Paris : United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization , 1969-1970
43 Higher education and development in South-east Asia v. 1 - v. 3, pt. 2. - [Paris] : Unesco and the International Association of Universities , c1967-
44 国際水文学10年計画調整理事会第2回会議最終報告書 / 国際連合教育科学文化機関国際水文学10年計画調整理事会編 ; 日本ユネスコ国内委員会事務局訳 [東京] : 日本ユネスコ国内委員会事務局 , 1967
45 ソ連邦における国際水文学10年計画活動の事業計画 / 国際水文学10年計画ソ連邦国内委員会編 ; 日本ユネスコ国内委員会事務局訳 [東京] : 日本ユネスコ国内委員会事務局 , 1966.11
46 教育計画 : その経済社会との関係 / ユネスコ編 ; 木田宏訳 東京 : 第一法規 , 1966.2
47 Higher education Paris : UNESCO , 1966
48 An asian model of educational development : perspectives for 1965-80 Paris : Unesco , 1966
49 博物館組織 : その実際的アドバイス / ダグラス・A・アラン [ほか著] ; 国際博物館会議日本委員会訳 東京 : 国際博物館会議日本委員会 , 1965.3
50 Regional conference on the planning and organization of literacy programmes in the Arab States : final report Paris : United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization , 1965
51 Statistical yearbook = Annuaire statistique = Anuario estadístico 1963 - 1994. - Paris : Unesco , 1964-1994
52 Education in Asia [Tokyo] : Research Bureau Ministry of Education, Japan , [1964]
53 Reform and development of higher education in Europe : France, the Netherlands and Poland Paris : Unesco , c1964
54 世界の中等教育 / 日本ユネスコ国内委員会編集 東京 : 民主教育協会 , 1963.10
55 国際機関・団体の文献情報活動 : (1950-1959年) / ロバート L. コリソン著 ; 斎藤国夫訳 ; 日本ユネスコ国内委員会 [編] [東京] : 日本ユネスコ国内委員会 , 1963.3
56 Pre-school education Paris : Unesco , c1963
57 Educational periodicals = Revues pédagogiques = Revistas pedagógicas Paris : Unesco , 1963
58 Women in the new Asia : the changing social roles of men and women in South and South-East Asia / edited by Barbara E. Ward Paris : Unesco , c1963
59 The organization of the school year : a comparative study Paris : Unesco , c1962
60 世界の初等教育 / 日本ユネスコ国内委員会編集 東京 : 民主教育協会 , 1961.6
61 Teachers' associations = Associations d'enseignants = Asociaciones de personal docente Paris : Unesco , c1961
62 The needs of Asia in primary education : a plan for the provision of compulsory primary education in the region Paris : Unesco , 1961
63 Secondary education Paris : Unesco , 1961
64 Preparation of general secondary school curricula Paris : UNESCO , 1960
65 科学技術の発展と教育 / 日本ユネスコ国内委員会 [訳] [東京] : 日本ユネスコ国内委員会 , 1959.3
66 Primary school textbooks : preparation, selection, use Paris : UNESCO , 1959
67 Filmstrips : use, evaluation and production Paris : Unesco , 1959
68 社会科学 / ユネスコ[原著] [東京] : 日本ユネスコ国内委員会 , 1958.10
69 Preparation and issuing of the primary school curriculum Paris : UNESCO , 1958
70 Facilities for education in rural areas Paris : UNESCO , 1958
71 Primary education Paris : Unesco , 1958
72 Expansion of school building Paris : UNESCO , 1957
73 World illiteracy at mid-century : a statistical study Paris : Unesco , 1957
74 Training of primary teacher training staffs Paris : UNESCO , 1957
75 歴史教科書と国際理解 : 世界理解のために / [J.A.ローアライズ著] ; 勝田守一訳 東京 : 古今書院 , 1956.3
76 新しい歴史教育のあり方 : 世界理解のために / [ヒル著] ; 小沢栄一訳 東京 : 古今書院 , 1955.9
77 Teaching of art : in primary and secondary schools Paris : UNESCO , 1955
78 13才以下の児童に対する家庭と社会の影響 / 日本ユネスコ国内委員会事務局[訳] [出版地不明 : 出版者不明 , 1955]
79 教育を受ける権利 / [日本ユネスコ国内委員会事務局訳] [東京] : ユネスコ国内委員会事務局 , [1954.3はしがき]
80 人種とは何か / ユネスコ編 ; 日本ユネスコ国内委員会訳 〔東京〕 : 日本ユネスコ国内委員会 , 1954.2
81 世界の教育 / 日本ユネスコ国内委員会編 1952年版 - 1963年版. - 東京 : 日本ユネスコ国内委員会 , 1954ー
82 Youth and fundamental education / [by] UNESCO Paris : UNESCO , 1954
83 International Conference on Public Education 17th - 30st session. - Geneva : International Bureau of Education. - Paris : Unesco , [1954]-
84 Secondary teachers' salaries Paris : Unesco. - Geneva : International Bureau of Education , [1954]
85 ユネスコと経済社会理事会 / [日本ユネスコ国内委員会事務局訳] [東京] : ユネスコ国内委員会事務局 , [1953.3はしがき]
86 Primary teachers' salaries : from information supplied by the Ministries of Education Geneva : International Bureau of Education. - Paris : Unesco , [1953]
87 The use of vernacular languages in education / [by] UNESCO Paris : UNESCO , c1953
88 Progress of literacy in various countries : a preliminary statistical study of available census data since 1900 Paris : UNESCO , 1953
89 Round the world with a postage stamp : a booklet for teachers and children about the Universal Postal Union Paris : UNESCO , c1953
90 現代文化の反省 / ユネスコ編 ; 桑原武夫訳監修 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1952.9
91 國際理解のための地理教育 / [ユネスコ編] ; 文部省大臣官房渉外ユネスコ課[訳] [東京] : 文部省大臣官房渉外ユネスコ課 , [1952.3はしがき]
92 ユネスコ書誌サーヴィス改良専門家委員会会合議事録 / 国立国会図書館訳 東京 : 国立国会図書館 , 1952.2
93 Proceedings and recommendations : XVth International Conference on Public Education / convened by UNESCO and the I.B.E Paris : Unesco. - Geneva : International Bureau of Education , 1952
94 Visual aids in fundamental education : some personal experiences Paris : UNESCO , 1952
95 Universities in adult education : pbk,: hbk. - Paris : Unesco , c1952
96 The right to education Paris : Unesco , c1952
97 人間としてのわれわれの権利 : 世界人權宣言についての討論の手引 / [文部省大臣官房渉外ユネスコ課訳] [東京] : 文部省大臣官房渉外ユネスコ課 , [1951.10]
98 Compulsory education and its prolongation : from information supplied by the Ministries of Education Geneva : International Bureau of Education. - Paris : Unesco , [1951]
99 Proceedings and recommendations : XIVth International Conference on Public Education / convened by UNESCO and the I.B.E Paris : Unesco. - Geneva : International Bureau of Education , 1951
100 The right to education : fundamental education technical training Paris : Unesco , 1951
101 世界人権宣言 : 附-人権と個人の責任(ルーズベルト夫人) / [文部省大臣官房渉外ユネスコ課訳] [東京] : 文部省大臣官房渉外ユネスコ課 , [1950.10]
102 Proceedings and recommendations : XIIIth International Conference on Public Education / convented by UNESCO and the I.B.E Paris : Unesco. - Geneva : International Bureau of Education , [1950]
103 Primary, secondary and vocational schools Paris : United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization , c1950
104 Universities / UNESCO Paris : UNESCO , 1950
105 Veterinary sciences / UNESCO Paris : UNESCO , 1950
106 The teaching of reading Paris : Unesco. - Geneva : International Bureau of Education , [1949]
107 Study abroad : international handbook, fellowships, scholarships, educational exchange 1: 1948 (with suppl. to v. 1) - 33: 2006-2007. - Paris : Unesco , [1948]-
108 International Conferences on Public Education, collected recommendations, 1934-1950 Paris : Unesco. - Geneva : International Bureau of Education , [19--]
109 Unesco publication Paris : Unesco
110 The Development of higher education Paris : Unesco : International Association of Universities
111 Manuals on adult and youth education Paris : Unesco
112 World survey of education Paris : UNESCO
113 An asian model of educational development : perspectives for 1965-80 / [by] unesco ( : In-house reproduction)
114 International social science journal : social sciences of education = Revue internationale des sciences sociales / Unesco Vol. 11, no. 1 (1959)-. - Paris : Unesco